
With over 25 years of expertise and experience, the language experts at Meditext are able to help businesses, agencies, organizations, provincial or federal agencies and departments with the translation, revision, and correction of their text documents.
At every step, the Meditext team is able to provide sound advice to help their clients realize their communications projects.

Services offered by Meditext

Cross revision (from French to English and English to French)
In-depth comparative review of the original text and its translation, and a correction
of the translation content and form.  Rigorous control of the scientific or technical agreement of a translation in relation to the original text.

Linguistic advice (French only)
Advice on the quality of a translation, the linguistic quality of a document, translation problems, language or terminology questions.

Proof reading (French only)
Read proofs and indicate any changes to be made.

Terminology (in English and in French)
A systematic unilingual or multilingual study of the naming of concepts and ideas which belong to the various domains of human activity and considered according to their social purpose in order to meet the communications needs of users.

Translation (from English to French and French to English)
Changing a text from one language to another, keeping in mind the tone, style of the text and the terminology used by the writer.

Unilingual linguistic revision (in French and in English)
Examination of a document linguistic quality. Improving the text through grammatical
or stylistic corrections or solutions that make the text easier to read and understand.


Meditext’s Guidelines

The translation or revision of a specialized document requires specialized knowledge
of the area of work, the related vocabulary, the reference documents, and the terminology research tools. Before providing a professional service, the Meditext team ensures their ability to respect their principle ethical obligations, meaning that they

  1. evaluate the volume and the nature of the work, keeping in mind the limitations of their abilities, their knowledge and the means at their disposal (article 3 of the Code of ethics)
  2. examine the support documents provided by the client
  3. ensure that they understand the nature of the document to be translated or revised
  4. examine the terminology used or preferred by the client and ensure that it is correct
  5. agree with the client regarding the scope of the terminological research to be done to perform the job
  6. ask about resource people to contact for useful information
  7. ensure that they are able to meet the deadline set by the client
  8. charge fair and reasonable fees for professional services (article 23 of the
    Code of ethics).

For more information on the duties of a certified translator, consult the Standards guide for professional practice in translation (Guide des normes de pratique professionnelle en traduction) published by OTTIAQ in June 2006.


Linguistic advice
Linguistic revision
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